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Project Applications

The current listing of applications referred to TAAG by the County Planning Department. 

Applications and relevant documents can be accessed through the links below.

Reminder: The project applications reviewed by TAAG may be incomplete or have missing pages.  TAAG's review and subsequent recommendations, therefore, should be seen as a general overview of the project in question, and not a detailed analysis of a project's merits or deficiencies.

Recent project applications that have been reviewed by TAAG, with a report sent to the county, are located on the Reports page.

Current projects seeking County approval and  
under consideration by Templeton Area Advisory Group (TAAG)

This list is maintained by TAAG as an aid to the public. 

Be patient; documents can take a moment to load. 

Changes occur frequently; please check with the county 

web site for up-to-date information. 

Carroll Mixed-Use development on Main Street
Co-located Dispatch Center on Main Street
Mittry Farms housing on Main Street

County Planning Dept application


This application was approved by the SLO County Board of Supervisors on Sept 24, 2024. The board approved a) the zoning change from Commercial Retail to Single Family Residential and b) the related Land Use application to develop 22 housing lots on this site.  

AU Energy gas station complex on Vineyard Drive

Dirk Winters 60-unit hotel

TVJ commercial subdivision on Ramada Drive

Eden’s Dream Cannabis Cultivation and Processing

This project has been approved by the County Planning Department. An appeal is scheduled for a hearing at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 2025. 

Healey/Jackson lot line adjustment

Anderson residential variance

Pohl Lot Line adjustment

Wild Rose subdivision

Knabenshue residential subdivision

Grolle variance 

Van Adelsberg subdivision 

Funk vacation rental

Weyrick Subdivision

Drake Retail and Hotel Project

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